Saturday there will be copies of Eye In The Sky available at the 12 Gauge merch table.
Sunday there will be a variant version of the Hapless, Hopeless, Trespass cassette single. This version comes in a black vinyl O-card with the letters HHT stenciled in high gloss white on the front. there will be one hundred only and they are 1.99 each.
P.S. Keep your eyes peeled for the following
1. go straight to the trash talk table.
2. There will be a third version of the Hapless Hopeless Trespass single in the near future. It will be only available on the internet through 12 Gauge records.
3. 100 glass beer bottles at the COA merch table at S&F (If all goes to plan they will be ready. Fingers crossed.)
4. In the somewhat distant future: STZ Lady Death Singles boxed set/Care Package. The first 3 lady death songs Re-recorded plus an all new fourth lady death song. All on a 3" cd inside a 4" box with a book a button maybe a temporary tattoo maybe a cloth patch. all sorts of wild shit. It's up in the air but someday it will happen.